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Gear unit design:
Motor type:
Country/area of use:
Motor power P2 [kW]
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Output speed na2 [1/min] / Gear ratio i:
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Service factor fB2:
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Every gearmotor was assigned a service factor in the SEW catalogue. The service factor is the ratio between gear unit rated power and rated motor power. There are no standards on how to determine service factors. This is why service factors vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and cannot be compared.


R47DRN90L4 / i=23,28 / Ma [Nm] = 225 / fB 1,3
R47 - Mamax [Nm] = 300
Mamax / Ma = fB
300 Nm / 225 Nm = 1,33 (~1,3)

Refer to the catalogue for more information:

Setting range:
Number of poles:
International efficiency class (IE):
Increased short-term torque:
With AS interface: